Sunday, January 31, 2010

Origami and Origins

Thoughts to revisit later;
Origami as a transformative art is a better model for understanding life and ecology. Origami destroys nothing, adds nothing but changes everything, even changes dimensions traveling between two dimensions and three. Is it silly to imagine the folding of carbon as the portal between the inanimate and dimension of life?

Urban issues are like traffic, the more you concentrate them the more elaborate and expensive the solutions are. New urbanism's fixation on density is ironically similar to highway engineers fixation on capacity. In both cases the most sensible solutions likely start a long way away from capacity or density. Urban problems would be well served by rural solutions. Observe China.

Research of the minds of adolescents suggest there is an actual physiological change that occurs as the mind ages and teenagers develop more complete reasoning capabilities. The fruit of the forbidden tree in the garden of Eden must have been full of this chemical. There is no sin that separates us from God, only the conscious decision to leave Him for another way.